I love writing. Always have. Always will. Sometimes it's just that simple.
Remember that game M.A.S.H. we all played when we were kids? For careers, I always put down writer as my first option. In the 3rd grade we had a poetry teacher make the rounds, visit the various classes, share with us all the joys of poetry, and then encourage us to write. It was during these creative reprieves that I became captivated with the written word. The glaring overhead florescent lights would be turned off and a thoughtful stillness would drape over the class. What felt like pure, unadulterated inspiration would flow from my number 4 pencil in scribbles across lined paper much like maple syrup dripping ever so gracefully from the tap. Perry Longo, if you read this, you should know that your poetry classes sparked one of the most serious love affairs of my life. It's a passion. And a hobby. And now (thankfully!) has woven itself into the very essence of my career. But if you think I'm just some poetry swilling baret wearing beatnik running amok, I am happy to report that you'd be only partly right! Over the years as I have deliberately sought out new opportunities to grow. At this point, I'd wager I'm a pretty well-rounded copy writer with experience that arcs from sales to marketing and creative. I've worked in depth on multi channel campaigns including email, direct by mail, and social media. Whether you need a storyteller who can draft business proposals, sales collateral, video scripts, or brilliant website copy, I got you. Helping you engage your audience is what excites me the most. If you are seeking writer/storyteller that can keenly tap into the essence of your brand, let's connect! [email protected] 805-886-2406 |